We’ve all heard the saying, not all books are alike. It’s also relevant to say not all themes found in books are the same too. In writing  “Petrella, the Gillian Princess” and “A Tribute to Tulipia” I was struck by the number of Biblical scriptures that gripped my thought process and that had to eventually surface. It wasn’t my intention to include them, nor was it by accident either because God knows.

Below you will find a listing of scripture themes covered. I hope this helps you in your reading experience.

Petrella, the Gillian Princess

Idolatry – King Hermas thought himself higher than God. He idolized himself. Reference: Exodus 20:3-6

Greed – King Hermas desired to keep the Anglon Kingdom thriving. Hermas would do anything to keep it from falling. Batavia wanted power. It is why he was the leader of the anti-government militia, Zioppa, and wanted to be the ruler of Anglon. Reference: Proverbs 15:27

Apathy – God so wanted the Humans and Gillians to love one another and get along.  Neither race wanted anything to do with the other. They secretly wanted to be the superior race on Yemell. They had no care for one another. References:  Judges 18: 7 and Isaiah 32:10 

Side Note: The Holocaust. Think about Hitler and the Germans. Hitler envisioned German supremacy in all fields, an Aryan ‘master race’.

Forbidden Love – Bethsheeba and  Medith fall in love.  Bethsheeba was married to King Samul. Even though King Samul wasn’t a kind king and made fun of  Medith, it is not right that Bethsheeba broke up her marriage.  Also, Petrella and Finerd were not supposed to be together either. References: Mathew 5: 27-30, Mark 10:11-12, and Hebrews 13:4

Disrespecting a Parent – Petrella defies her father’s rules and goes against him by going to  Metallicah Pointe and watching the Humans. References: Numbers 30:3 and Mathew 15:4

God’s Desire – Love one another. That was pleasing to the Lord. Petrella and Finerd’s love crossed boundaries and God himself saw that they were true in their love and would bring together Yemell. Reference: 1 Peter 4: 8 and  John 13: 34-35

A Tribute to Tulipia

Tulipia’s life can be compared to the sacrifices of Jesus. Tulipia was willing to lay down her life so that she could save the rest of the vegetation from being eaten by the wolf. Reference: John:15:13

Tulipia and Rishonich Relationship. Because of their age, they represent Sarah and Abraham, too old to conceive, but miraculously, they did. Reference:  Genesis 17:17

Another factor to consider was that Tulipia and Rishonich were dissimilar in species.

  • Representative of interracial relationships.
  • The Little Mermaid and the Prince. Man and animal.
  • Romeo and Juliet

The Glacial Cold which lasted 40 days and 40 nights can be compared to the story about Noah’s Ark and the flood. References: Genesis 6:13,   Genesis 7: 1-23, and Genesis 9:1-17 

Nevanobry can be compared to the brother of the Prodigal Son. The good son, the one who stayed and took care of his father’s farm. He was a faithful servant. Reference: Luke 15:29-31

Foliage/Shrubbery can be compared to illegal immigrants. Not wanting to follow and abide by the immigration laws in a right and legal way, but rather an illegal way.  But God has set commandments so that they need to follow what He said. Reference: Numbers 15: 22-26

Elders of the community (with Nevanobry).  They didn’t want to make decisions. They were afraid. So, later on, he creates committees to oversee their territories and create and uphold their laws. Like State and Federal laws. Reference: Exodus 18: 1-27