I’ve been doing a study of Genesis and in Chapter 22 when God calls Abraham to go up to Moriah, Abraham responds, “Here I am.” Well, I paused on those words, it seriously leaped out at me, but then in my flesh, I continued.

Hours later while driving, I heard a song, from Jwlkrs Worship, titled, “Here I am.” A great song that I encourage you to listen. At that point, I was like, Okay, Lord! What do I need to do here?

I was curious and so I looked up what “Here I am” meant in Hebrew. I learned it is “Hineni”. We all know that in 1 Samuel 3:4, the Lord calls Samuel, and he also responds with “Here I am.”

I did a search a found one article that further discusses the word, Hineni. I learned that Hineni also meant “Behold”. And, if you search on “Here I am”, you’ll be surprised to find that there are so many references to those three incredible words.

Here’s the link if you’re interested. https://hebrewwordlessons.com/2020/01/26/hineni-here-i-am/

All this to say, I’ve realized how important the words of the Bible are, truly. And maybe, we should have a heart posture of “Hineni”.