Scorned, envied, and hated for doing righteousness in the eyes of the Lord. Alone, I fight the darkest of battles every day. My insides have been ripped apart. There is nothing left but scarred bones.

Where art thou God? Why has this iniquity come upon me?

I’ve repented, turned from my wicked ways, and kept Your Covenant. I’ve removed all the images and idols from all the high places.

Why have you forsaken me, Lord?

I’ve put on Your Whole Armor, but the fiery darts keep coming. I witnessed the manifestation of darkness that has invaded my every being. Go away…

I know the Light! I know the Light! I’m trying to keep the candle wick from burning out, but a ferocious wind comes and extinguishes it. The wick, my wick is bending slowly into the hot wax. I’m burning!

I’ve cried out! Do you hear me? I’m surrounded. Help me break free, Jesus!!

I fall to the ground and cover my head and body with the earth and sob. I hear the muffled trampling of feet in the distance. A slumber overtakes me and all goes quiet. No one can hear me anymore…

Time passes and my body tingles to life. Slowly, my bones and muscles move. I shake off the crusty dirt and open my eyes. A shiny new sword appears in my hand.

Standing, I hear rumbling and then a booming voice coming from the clouds, “Behold, it is finished. Your fight is over, my child. Walk away. Go in peace.”