We live in a world where a Google search takes a few seconds, you can order a product on Amazon and you’ll get it tomorrow first thing in the morning, and Uber Eats will deliver food right to your door. We live for the fast and the next thing…

We error in not living during the in-between of the next thing because we are so consumed with the highs of the next concert, the vacation, the present, and the next event. The same applies to the lows of an illness, doubts, worries, and anxiety. It’s always the next and not in the moment. It’s a pendulum of the extremes rather than the mundane.

Today and every day, I challenge you to live for the “in-between”. It is where we spend the most time in our lives anyway. It is the day-to-day grind of making the most out of nothing or making nothing out of your most.

One day, things will cease and you’ll be left with yourself. Be sure to renew your mind, body, and soul for the in-between.



Photo by Jens Johnsson: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-arrow-signed-66100/

Scripture Inspiration: 2 Corinthians 4:8-11, 16-18