Dictionary.com defines a Table as:

A table is a piece of furniture used to place items on top, but mostly, to eat on. Yes, there are worktables, desk tables, etc., but in this instance, we are talking specifically about kitchen tables. Tables get dirty. Most modern homes don’t put any coverings on tables except for special occasions or holidays. See the following article on tablecloths.

  1. Dressing Your Table: Cloth or No Cloth
  2. Do Modern Tablecloths Even Exist
  3. To Use a Tablecloth or Not

Not in my home. I grew up in an Italian household with tablecloths on kitchen tables. Every time we sat down to eat, we had to pull out the old tablecloth. Did I say… EVERY SINGLE TIME! Once we were finished eating, we had to gather the cloth and go outside and shake the crumbs out in the yard, or at the end of the driveway. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Are you getting the visual on this? Just checking.

So, when my girls were younger, I put a tablecloth on our kitchen table because they were messy, and it prevented them from nicking and damaging the table. We’ve always bought a good, wooden table for our kitchen. We’ve gone through four in the last twenty-three years. Not bad, but still.

Anyhow, we’ve had our current table for about three years. And the girls are in their teens now, so I decided to try mats. I went to the at Home store, and I bought these really nice mats. I wanted to be modern, and my girls liked them, so we tried them. Folks, it didn’t last a month. Crumbs got on the table and the mats. I was shaking out the mats, over the sink this time, and wiping down the table. This had become a double-duty job, not to mention, we vacuum around the table after eating too. Yes, I’m a stickler for cleanliness. I don’t like crumbs on the floor either, plus we have an exotic bird, and he throws his seeds on the floor. So, I’m constantly vacuuming too. The floor is always crumb-and-seed-free.

With all this extra work, I didn’t like this ‘mat thing’ very much. I went back to what I know from my childhood, the tablecloth. This time, I added a clear plastic covering OVER the tablecloth, also my childhood experience—yes, I’m dating myself.

Ahh… Shiny, and clean, I can see any dirt marks or anything sticky. With a wet piece of paper towel, I’m able to wipe it down, and instantly, the plastic is clean again. The best part, I can admire my Italian tablecloth under the clear plastic and not worry it gets stained. Woo-hoo, win, win!

My daughters, on the other hand, shook their heads in disappointment. I wasn’t cool anymore. They later told me, not only was this outdated, but this made me look old, very old. I laughed it off. They weren’t serious, were they? Hmm… shrug, I think I’m pretty cool! Aren’t I?

Here’s the thing, folks. I love the expression, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I also like the idea of a smooth-looking table covering. It looks 80ish, okay, maybe 70ish… but it WORKS.

Tell me what you all do with your kitchen tables. To cover or not to cover? I’d love to hear your thoughts.