Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: authorponderings

Protecting What Matters

This past weekend, Italy beat England in soccer to the win the UEFA Euro 2020 Cup. It was an edge of your seat game that ended in a shootout. Congratulations to my home country of Italy! Forza Azzurri. Forza Italia!

Picture courtesy of Christian Charisius/dpa/picture alliance

I’ve always followed soccer but seeing this particular series inspired me to ponder on the things that matter in life, and how can one protect them?

A soccer team consists of eleven players on each team. Each position is very important. However, I believe the goalie has the most important role. He/she has to protect the net from getting the ball in it so that the other team doesn’t score a goal.

The other members of the team, important as well, have to guard the goalie and defend their territory, while running the ball in the opposite direction and trying to score a goal for the team. Yes, there is a lot of running and defending, and this takes ALL the team’s strength to succeed, whether you are playing in regulation time, or in a shootout.

Regardless, I began reflecting on my life with my husband and my children. Each day, I go to battle. Not a war-kind of battle, but I battle to fight sickness, fear, anxiety, pre-teen drama, finances, relationship issues, family issues, etc. I have to keep my girls safe, I have to support my husband, and keep the house running in order. Most days, I am the goalie, protecting my home front from the negativity that can impact my loved ones. It’s not an easy job. The world tells us one thing, but our values and morals tell us something else. It’s a constant struggle when temptation is everywhere.

As the “goalie” in my family, though, my job of “goaling” is different from my husband’s, the biggest war is the war of my mind. While fighting for everyone else, I’ve fallen trap of failing myself. The negativity has seeped into my thoughts and actions, thus sending me into an oblivion space of sadness and depression at times. I know I’m not alone on this. I’ve often asked this question:

How can I be there for everyone else when the net of my mind has been compromised?

It’s a heavy question, I know. But, I’ve taken small steps to shift the negativity to positivity. I’ve turned to exercise and reading the Bible. Both have allowed me to release pent-up frustrations and angst, and read beautiful words of love and wisdom from my Heavenly Father. It has given me hope in my life and muscle to stop the bad from infiltrating my family.

So, warriors, this is a call to action! Put on the Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18.


Because there is a great motto, adopted in 1972 from the United Negro College Fund (UNFC) that has become one of the most recognizable quotes that says…

And if we don’t invest in our minds, they can become sinful. Romans 8:5-8 says…



I will close with this final scripture quote, because I know this is also true. Philippians 4:8.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Until next time…Be well. Be safe. Be happy.


Philippians 4:8 NKJV – Meditate on These Things – Finally, – Bible Gateway

UNCF – Wikipedia

Picture of Team Courtesy of Christian Charisus/dpa/picture alliance from article: Forza Azzurri: Behind Roberto Mancini′s Italian renaissance | Sports| German football and major international sports news | DW | 11.07.2021

The Meaning of “Forza Azzurri!” in Italian – Let’s go Italy! / Come on Italy! – Daily Italian Words


It is not a game, put on the whole armor of God – GLOFIRE TV

Romans 8:5-8 KJV – For they that are after the flesh do – Bible Gateway,Long%2C%20of%20the%20advertising%20agency%20Young%20%26%20Rubicam

How many players on a soccer team? The Answer & FAQ

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