By day, this natural-colored twill basket is just an empty basket against a linen closet door. In the evening, it evolves into my daughters’ laundry basket, holding the day’s dirty clothing and becoming a transport carrier to the “dirty-clothes” bin in the laundry room downstairs.

At night, the simple round basket with two handles turns into my burden and prayer basket. Situated between my girls’ bedrooms, I wander to their rooms, check on them, and then kneel. Placing my hands along the door frame in front of the linen closet and looking down into the basket, I pour my heart aches, pray for my kids and husband, project my worries, and give thanks into the basket. Envisioning that the bin is Jesus, encouraging me to release the frustrations of the day and the uncertainties of tomorrow.

I don’t have a war room I have a burden basket.

We are living in chaotic times. But this basket gives me security to know that I can release all my thoughts at Jesus’ feet each and every night; for he alone gives me peace, for he alone knows my heart, for he alone gives me comfort.

Jesus take away my burdens in the basket.