Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: #bekind

Do Small Things with Great Love – A New Year Wish

If you haven’t noticed, we are at the end of the 2016 year, lots of things to reflect upon:

  • Was it a good year for you?
  • Did you accomplish “all” that you intended?
  • What could you have done differently?
  • What were the things that didn’t go as planned?
  • What were the things you are most proud of?

A brand new year is coming. Some can’t wait and others are stressing and worrying about the “to do” lists. Whether you are ready or not, 2017 will be here. You might find solitude in the final days of this year to putting aside your political agendas, differences, and just winding down.

It’s hard, I know. We live in a world of accomplishments and failures. Always with our feet to the ground, and in a sprint mode. But maybe this time around, you may want to take a different tactic.

Let me explain…

This Christmas, my husband and daughters gave me a Wonder Woman doll. Yes, you read correctly, a doll. No diamond, no new pair of leather boots, or a brand new purse. A doll. I got to tell you though, it is one of the best gifts I have ever received.

You see, as a young child, one of my favorite television shows to watch was Wonder Woman. It aired from 1975 to 1979, and it only had three seasons. The show was based off of the popular DC Comic, “The Adventures of Wonder Woman.”

I never got into the comic books, but I really enjoyed the TV show. Lynda Carter, the actress who played Diana Prince, was a normal person who epitomized for me a super-willed woman, fighting the “bad guys”, and solving everyday situations in a grand fashion. And then, turning into a civilian again.

Recently, Queen Elizabeth II aired a 2016 Christmas speech. One of the things she mentioned was… “I often draw strength from meeting ordinary people doing extraordinary things…”

That line alone has resonated with me as I ponder about the final days of the 2016 year, all the while cherishing my precious Wonder Woman doll.

You see, I’m no “wonder woman”. I certainly am not armed with a magic belt that gives me strength, gold bracelets that can stop any bullet, a tiara that can be thrown as a returning weapon, and an unbreakable lasso that can force anyone to tell the truth. I’m a human being with many, many flaws.

I am an ordinary person with the potential to do extraordinary things. And, that “thing” doesn’t have to be big, either. The same can apply to you.

The greatest act anyone can give is love. But, in order to have love, you must be kind and have the courage to love.

Like Queen Elizabeth II, the extraordinary can be found in people and in common things. Like Wonder Woman, strength is derived from doing what’s right and just for your fellow humans.

So, have courage friends, put love as one of your “to do” lists. Battle for a worthy cause. And always, always, be kind.

Happy New Year! May it be a great ending to a new beginning for your 2017 year.


The Thanksgiving Tree Branch



I found this post a few days ago. It was written back in 2015. At that time, we didn’t have an uncertain post-presidential election, nor the Covid-19, the deadly virus, and global pandemic sweeping the world. There were other issues then, as there are now.

I realized something though. The issues, the diseases, the uncertainties, and everything that can go wrong in the world, will continue to fail and disappoint. We live in a fallen world. Sin and pain go hand-in-hand. But, also, good and love go hand-in-hand too.

We are all lost to something. Each one has his/her path to walk through. We are in need of a good shaking. We need to wake up and stand for the things that are right and morally just. We need to be true to ourselves, so that we can be true to others. And yes, there is a potential to get hurt, but if we are honest to one another, maybe there is no need to pretend and lie.

Hoping and praying for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you all even if your traditions have to be a little smaller this year.

God bless!


In a few days most Americans will be sitting down together eating turkey and watching football. Prayers will be said and some will go around the table sharing what they are thankful for.

A few hours later, many will join the obsessive price saving shoppers heading to the malls and stores for Black Friday sales. In a blink of an eye, one will go from family gathering to business as usual. Thankfulness forgotten and the frenzy of every day back in stride.

Why is it that we only allow ourselves the minimal hours of gratitude and peace, but spend years incubating in a world filled with greed?

I think (my personal opinion) we’d rather hide behind the masks of our jobs and created busyness instead of letting others see us—the true “us” with our human flaws.

We’re like trees. Leaves colorful and bright on the outside, but underneath we are just branches—bare branches.

The 2015 year has been a tough one. We continue to be racially divided, exposed to cowardly school shootings, saddened and confused by suicides, and made to fear terrorist attacks. The most recent in Paris.

I wonder if we were all just more truthful, honest, and kind to one another, maybe there wouldn’t be so much suffering and we’d see ourselves as we really are – bared branches in need of loving leaves. In need of random acts of kindness, in need of more smiles, more human connection, and more tender words.

Call me naïve, but why is it more difficult to be honorable and kind, than to be rude and hurtful?

It’s time. Where is the real you? Time to let the leaves camouflaging the branches fall to the ground and be blown away.


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