Fourteen years ago this month, I received this beautiful maternity chair at my baby shower. It has been one of the best gifts as I spent many hours feeding and snuggling with my two daughters. Seasons passed, day became night, and night became day as I rocked my children on this chair. I prayed, I cried, I laughed, and fell asleep on multiple occasions in the middle of the night with a child or both, in my arms.

As the children grew older and the need for middle of the night feedings ceased, I utilized this relaxing contraption as my journal-writing chair, book-reading chair, and praying chair. However, there comes a time when its use is no more. In recent years, it has become my decorative pillows holder.

Moved to the corner of my master bedroom, the space it occupied had become a bit cluttered. My husband reminded me that it was time. Yes, time to remove it and pass it along to someone else. It has served our purpose. It has been a wonderful reminder of the “challenging years” in mothering babies and toddlers. I do miss that period. It was simpler and I wasn’t rushed. Everything revolved around the beating hearts of my two blessings.

Like life, change is the only constant. At least that’s what I’ve heard. My daughters are blossoming and growing up. It’s what it should be, right?

Today I say goodbye to my chair. I pray that it will bring comfort and beautiful memories to the next family.

Until next time…