Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: Gettingintotheword

Wiped Clear

Every day, I sit in my Glory Room, my Secret Place, my War Room, aka Closet, and pray and praise the Lord Jesus. It’s my quiet time to read the Bible and be silent amid daily chaos. It is my refuge area where I can pour out fears, anxieties, thoughts, and gratitude to the One who provides, Jehovah Jireh!

My family knows it’s the only room in our home that I go to “fill up” or “empty out”. It’s also has become the counseling room, the hugging room, the lay down on the floor and take a nap room, and the “I want to spend time with Mommy, room.” It may not be fancy with mine and my husband’s clothes hanging around, like forest drapery, but it works. I’ve received such revelation and encounters with the Glory of God in this Secret Place.

For the past month, while on my knees praying, I’ve stared at a box of eyeglass wipes on the floor under my hubby’s dress slacks, called Wipe Clear. I wear glasses and if you wear glasses too, then you know they need to be wiped often.

Wipe Clear

Wipe Clear

Wipe Clear

Over and over the words have penetrated my thoughts throughout the day. Why do I keep seeing Wipe Clear? That revelation was not ready to come to fruition, until now… You see, while the world is busy destroying itself, I’ve been busy wiping clean my iniquities, filling my lamp with oil, and armoring up. (The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Mathew 25:1-13; Put on the Full Armor of God. Ephesians 6: 10-20; It’s time to separate yourself; be distinct and trust God! Psalm 84:10-12.)

Get into your private place. It could be your car, outside, the basement, the garage, or wherever. Let the Lord work in you a Mighty Miracle of conviction, sanctification, and boldness—a fire for the Lord. (Psalm 91: 1-16.)

It takes two to tango, right? Well, it also takes you and Jesus to make you whole again—get into a relationship with Him.  (John 14:6)

What are you waiting for to wipe clear?

Resting in His Presence instead of Running on Empty


As I got in the car this morning I realized I was running really low on gas. So I drove to the gas station. It was a cool morning, and I could feel the autumn season coming around. The leaves have also been changing colors.

While filling my tank, I yawned. I yawned again, and then again. My mind was worn down. A short, fit, older gentleman in a tan jogging suit trotted by and said, “Looks like you can use some rest.”

I nodded and replied, “Yes sir. Yes sir indeed.”

At that distracted moment, I was feeling overwhelmed going over the never-ending to-do lists and tasks to be completed. They circled my thoughts like a swarm of blackbirds. I was just as empty as my gas tank, while my backseat was crammed with burdens, obligations, follow-ups, consultations, and on and on…

After fueling up, I went on my way. I drove through miles and miles of construction and traffic, which were everywhere, and I even caught every single red light. Argh… I hate that. My car felt sluggish, unable to move the heavy load occupying my back seat, or maybe I couldn’t get my foot to press harder on the pedal. Either way, I was running empty because I’d been trying to solve and haul everyone else’s burdens along with my own.

The Bible tells us we are to help carry one another’s burdens as written in Galatians 6:2 and Philippians 2: 3-4. There are misinterpretations and debates over those scriptures, and I’m doing additional research to discern the differences (a good discussion for another time).

The Bible also tells us in Hebrews 12:1-2 to run our own race. We aren’t meant to run someone else’s race but our own. We have to lug our own cross, not someone else’s. I recognized that I have been neglecting my spiritual time in the secret place where I can get in the presence of the Lord and be refreshed and lifted up. We all need this.

Jesus even said, Come all who are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. (Mathew 11:28)

He also affirmed that busyness and checklists don’t matter. Rather, taking the time to lay everything at His feet. A good example of that is the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary chose to sit with Jesus, while Martha fussed with petty duties. (Luke 10:38-42).

With the driver-side window down while I drove, I felt a fresh wind come across my face. My responsibilities won’t diminish, but I know now my load is shared with my Savior. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

So, go into your secret place and pray. Get into God’s Word. May it comfort your mind from the worldly chaos, while not letting your tank run empty.

In the end, we have to finish the race that God has set before us. (2 Timothy 4:7).

I hope this encourages you as it did for me.

God bless…




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