Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, was quoted as saying, “change is the only constant in life.” It is true, isn’t it? Nothing stays the same, and time stops for no one. Time. Hmm… I can write a whole other post on “time,” but not now. Let’s get back to the “change and the constant thing”.

In a recent discussion with my two teen daughters on how change can be a good life-experience, I came up with this parable. (Wink) I clear throat…. (Help me out here God, this is a teachable moment.)

“You see, in life, we have to look for the good soil in the world because there’s plenty of bad soil overridden with weeds.

When a circumstance happens and one is shaken out of their comfort zone, or needs to be uprooted, their roots have to find a new place to settle in. It doesn’t matter how big the soil, it can be a potted plant,

a flowerbed,

or a field.”

I sigh, “The important thing to remember is that you firmly dig your roots (morals, values, gifts) into the soil, take time to water it, and continuously prune the good roots, so that the bad roots do not take.

Life throws us curves and however long we are planted in that soil, our job is to grow in God’s grace and be fruitful. When things change, and they will, we can rest assured with hope to grow where we’ve been planted. It’s just whether YOU are desiring to grow where you’re planted.”

Moral of the story: Build strong roots, stand your ground, and always be ready to move.



Photo by Karolina Grabowska: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-faceless-woman-planting-seedling-into-soil-4207909/

Photo by Muffin Creatives: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-person-holding-sand-2203683/

Photo by Teona Swift: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-planting-green-seedling-into-flowerpot-6913449/

Photo by Greta Hoffman : https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-person-in-gloves-working-in-garden-7728070/

Photo by Nothing Ahead: https://www.pexels.com/photo/rough-ground-in-countryside-in-daylight-7501538/