For two weeks straight at approximately 7:44 am as I drove my daughters to school, I’d see this figure sitting cross-legged under a large tree. I didn’t notice at first because we’re constantly running late courtesy of my preteen, and I sped down the side streets to get to school on time. It’s my younger daughter who sees the most interesting things from the backseat. One time, it was a yellow cat sitting on the roof of a Ford F150, yes, she knows her automobiles thanks to her daddy, and another time she noticed an elderly gentleman drinking coffee on his front porch, and recently, she saw a teenage boy climbing out of his second-story window. Hmm, I guess sitting in the backseat has its perks.

Out of the blue one morning, she pointed, “Mommy, look at the lady sitting under that tree.”

I glanced to my left and there she was. It was a woman and she looked like a statue. The sun was streaming through the trees and it cast a long shadow across a dewy field of grass. It was an image to behold. So serene, that a calming sensation came over me. Cross-legged with one hand resting under her chin, she could easily be asleep. I felt jealous because this figure appeared to be free of worries and without hurry to-do lists.

The next day and the next few days were the same. Every morning as we got ready to leave, I looked forward to seeing this female sitting comfortably under a tree. Our car rides to school were exciting. My girls and I would make bets on who would see her first, and we spent time guessing as to what she was doing there, and what she was thinking or praying about.

Well, it’s been a week now and we haven’t seen the woman under the tree. I feel anxious, jumpy, and concerned. The girls are also worried.

My younger daughter said this morning, “Maybe she found another tree to sit under.”

I scratched my head. “I don’t know, honey.”

My preteen responded, “Maybe it’s a hologram?”

Was it a figment of our imagination? Only time will tell. Maybe she was an angel guarding our drive to school? If that’s the case, I’d like to see her every single day!

I’ve often read that angels show up in different forms. For now, the tree stands tall, barren of a figure. I won’t give up, though. Each morning, I’ll imagine God’s hedge of protection on my girls as they go to school.  I’ll even make it a point to treasure that warmth I experienced in my heart. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. The grace of that knowledge should be enough.


Do angels ever appear to people, or are they always invisible? (

What Are Angels and What Are They Made Of? (