I need you by me

Beside me to guide me

To hold me, to scold me

‘Cause when I’m bad, I’m so, so bad

I’ve been around long enough to experience and dance to this song at many, many weddings. Do you know the song? Here’s a hint. It has always been the last song to be played before a wedding celebration has concluded.

Drum roll…

It’s none other than Donna Summer’s 1978 Last Dance. When the DJ would start the song, all the party guests knew too. We’d file onto the dance floor and let loose.

So let’s dance the last dance

Let’s dance the last dance

Let’s dance this last dance tonight

There was hope in these lyrics. It talked about finishing strong, not wasting the night, taking a risk, falling in love, and leaving IT ALL ON THE DANCE FLOOR.

We’re all looking for someone to guide us, love us, hold us, and scold us when we err. As we close out 2023, this is how I’m feeling. God has provided for me (Jehovah Jireh) each time during this year. He’s made a way when I believed there was no way, and He’s always been a good, good Father to me.

It hasn’t been an easy year for me and my family. Through it all, the Lord was there. It was a miracle that I was able to finish and publish my fifth publication, The Rekindler. I wrote it in 2009 and released it on December 18, 2023.

I don’t know what 2024 will look like in my writing endeavor. I am not sure I’ll continue to write any more books. It’s in God’s Hands. All I know is that I NEED God to guide me, hold me, and scold me when needed, so I can get back on track.

In ending this year, I don’t want to be like Lot’s wife in Sodom who looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26. I want to be like the farmer who put his hand on the plow and never looked back. Who kept moving forward. Luke 9:62.

Next year is an election year. There are wars and rumors of wars around us constantly. The world is beautifully chaotic. And, time and life don’t stop.

I know how I’m going to end 2023, so let’s dance the last dance, shall we? Here’s hoping you dance in 2024.

Happy New Year!!

P.S. Be sure to watch Donna Summer’s video – Last Dance.