Was it a coincidence or divine intervention?

The other day I happen to hear on the radio the song, “It is well,” twice by the same artist. Some would say, “Doesn’t the station have other songs to play?” I might have agreed, but this time, the song has come during a perfect storm in my life. I was moved to heed the nudge from God.

Music has always been my therapy and encourager. Facing this difficult family medical season, I felt comforted in knowing that God is in control even through my sufferings. I hummed the melody all afternoon and suddenly wondered who sings this beautiful song. I first looked up the singer, Kristene DiMarco. Her voice is so soothing. Please watch the video.

Secondly, I’ve often heard the Biblical expression, “It is well with my soul”. Was there any connection with the song? So, I looked up the phrase. What I found was an amazing story of faith in the midst of trial and one woman’s perseverance to overcome her adversity. The story of the Shunammite Woman’s Suffering in 2 Kings 4:8-37.

Here are two resources that break down the meaning behind the story.

A. The Shunammite Woman’s Faith

B.  It Is Well With My Soul

What I didn’t expect to learn was how the words “It is well with my soul” became lyrics to a song. The author of the hymn was Horatio Gates Spafford.  Mr. Spafford was a wealthy Chicago lawyer with real estate holdings along Lake Michigan. He was influential in elite circles and he and his wife, Anna, were also close friends with D.L. Moody, preacher, and founder of the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Press, publications of religious books.

Even with all his wealth and fame, tragedies struck the Spafford family. First, losing their only son, Horatio Jr. to scarlet fever in 1870, his real estate holdings were destroyed in 1871 by the Chicago Fire,  and then losing all four of his daughters in a ship collision set for England in 1873. Fortunately, Anna was saved and found floating in the ocean on a plank of wood. After being rescued, she would write her husband a telegram, saying, “saved one”.

How much sorrow can one human endure?

Mr. Spafford later boarded another boat to England to comfort his wife. As the ship sailed across the Atlantic, the captain passed over the same area in which the boat that Anna was on sank, killing his daughters and all 226 passengers. Grief-stricken, Horatio penned the words, “It is well with my soul”.

Read more about Horatio’s life:

  1. An Inspiring Story
  2. The Story Behind the Hymn
  3.  About Horatio Spafford

Famous hymn composer, Philip Bliss (1838-1876), was so moved by Horatio’s prose, that he composed a peaceful tune to accompany the words. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey, in 1876.

No family is without tragedy. Jesus said…

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

May your hearts be lifted, your smiles never fade, your generosities never run dry, and your walk of faith never tire. In the end, we will meet our Maker, best be ready when asked…It is well?




The Shunammite Woman’s Faith




An Inspiring Story – Horatio G. Spafford

