Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: lifeponderings

Let Your Heart Be Not Troubled

Was it a coincidence or divine intervention?

The other day I happen to hear on the radio the song, “It is well,” twice by the same artist. Some would say, “Doesn’t the station have other songs to play?” I might have agreed, but this time, the song has come during a perfect storm in my life. I was moved to heed the nudge from God.

Music has always been my therapy and encourager. Facing this difficult family medical season, I felt comforted in knowing that God is in control even through my sufferings. I hummed the melody all afternoon and suddenly wondered who sings this beautiful song. I first looked up the singer, Kristene DiMarco. Her voice is so soothing. Please watch the video.

Secondly, I’ve often heard the Biblical expression, “It is well with my soul”. Was there any connection with the song? So, I looked up the phrase. What I found was an amazing story of faith in the midst of trial and one woman’s perseverance to overcome her adversity. The story of the Shunammite Woman’s Suffering in 2 Kings 4:8-37.

Here are two resources that break down the meaning behind the story.

A. The Shunammite Woman’s Faith

B.  It Is Well With My Soul

What I didn’t expect to learn was how the words “It is well with my soul” became lyrics to a song. The author of the hymn was Horatio Gates Spafford.  Mr. Spafford was a wealthy Chicago lawyer with real estate holdings along Lake Michigan. He was influential in elite circles and he and his wife, Anna, were also close friends with D.L. Moody, preacher, and founder of the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Press, publications of religious books.

Even with all his wealth and fame, tragedies struck the Spafford family. First, losing their only son, Horatio Jr. to scarlet fever in 1870, his real estate holdings were destroyed in 1871 by the Chicago Fire,  and then losing all four of his daughters in a ship collision set for England in 1873. Fortunately, Anna was saved and found floating in the ocean on a plank of wood. After being rescued, she would write her husband a telegram, saying, “saved one”.

How much sorrow can one human endure?

Mr. Spafford later boarded another boat to England to comfort his wife. As the ship sailed across the Atlantic, the captain passed over the same area in which the boat that Anna was on sank, killing his daughters and all 226 passengers. Grief-stricken, Horatio penned the words, “It is well with my soul”.

Read more about Horatio’s life:

  1. An Inspiring Story
  2. The Story Behind the Hymn
  3.  About Horatio Spafford

Famous hymn composer, Philip Bliss (1838-1876), was so moved by Horatio’s prose, that he composed a peaceful tune to accompany the words. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey, in 1876.

No family is without tragedy. Jesus said…

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

May your hearts be lifted, your smiles never fade, your generosities never run dry, and your walk of faith never tire. In the end, we will meet our Maker, best be ready when asked…It is well?


The Shunammite Woman’s Faith

An Inspiring Story – Horatio G. Spafford







Where Were You When 9/11 Happened?

On the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the buzz of “where were you and what were you doing when the planes hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon?” is still relevant.

I remember that day.  I was en route to work and stuck on the highway. I was listening to Eric and Kathie on 101.9 The MIX radio station when they broke the news. Bumper to bumper in traffic, their voices, trembling and full of shock informed me of what was happening.  I heard a plane crashed into the first tower, a couple of minutes later, another plane crashed into the second tower. By the time I arrived at work, both towers fell and yet another plane crashed into the Pentagon.

Going into my office building, I dropped my belongings in my cubicle and hurried to the office of our department Vice President where the rest of my colleagues had gathered. All eyes were on her television set, just as word was coming through that another flight had crashed in Pennsylvania. It was incredible to comprehend what exactly had happened. A few of my colleagues had family in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C., and they tried contacting them. I had a friend who lived in Long Island and whom I knew traveled to Manhattan for work.  My thoughts were of him and his family. By two in the afternoon, we were sent home. Nobody was working, anyway. It was clear that these four collisions had been orchestrated attacks rather than plane malfunctions.

At home, the visual reels of people throwing themselves from the Twin Towers filled my TV monitor. Manhattan was unrecognizable. All flights across the US were canceled and the skies became void. We know the rest of the story, and we shouldn’t ever forget it.

Today, we remember all those that have tragically died. We also honor the heroes who put their lives on the line to save another.  They are the first responders, the fireman, the police officers, the hospital doctors, nurses, EMTs, and the many civilians who helped their fellow Americans through this horrific crisis.

Our nation was attacked on our soil. In the aftermath of this horrible occurrence, people became nicer, and we became one, while the government and our leaders became defiant and vowed to seek revenge. Prior to 9/11, our country was changing, rapidly. I believe we became more reliant on ourselves than our true Creator, God.

Have we lost our way? With Covid-19, the pull-out of our troops from Afghanistan, and the division of our country politically, it seems the United States is imploding.

Can America come back? Will God forgive us for our transgressions? Are we able to set aside our differences and become unified? These are some heavy questions to ponder. I pray we take the time to reflect on this anniversary and where we should be headed, together.

2 Chronicles 7: 14. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Protecting What Matters

This past weekend, Italy beat England in soccer to the win the UEFA Euro 2020 Cup. It was an edge of your seat game that ended in a shootout. Congratulations to my home country of Italy! Forza Azzurri. Forza Italia!

Picture courtesy of Christian Charisius/dpa/picture alliance

I’ve always followed soccer but seeing this particular series inspired me to ponder on the things that matter in life, and how can one protect them?

A soccer team consists of eleven players on each team. Each position is very important. However, I believe the goalie has the most important role. He/she has to protect the net from getting the ball in it so that the other team doesn’t score a goal.

The other members of the team, important as well, have to guard the goalie and defend their territory, while running the ball in the opposite direction and trying to score a goal for the team. Yes, there is a lot of running and defending, and this takes ALL the team’s strength to succeed, whether you are playing in regulation time, or in a shootout.

Regardless, I began reflecting on my life with my husband and my children. Each day, I go to battle. Not a war-kind of battle, but I battle to fight sickness, fear, anxiety, pre-teen drama, finances, relationship issues, family issues, etc. I have to keep my girls safe, I have to support my husband, and keep the house running in order. Most days, I am the goalie, protecting my home front from the negativity that can impact my loved ones. It’s not an easy job. The world tells us one thing, but our values and morals tell us something else. It’s a constant struggle when temptation is everywhere.

As the “goalie” in my family, though, my job of “goaling” is different from my husband’s, the biggest war is the war of my mind. While fighting for everyone else, I’ve fallen trap of failing myself. The negativity has seeped into my thoughts and actions, thus sending me into an oblivion space of sadness and depression at times. I know I’m not alone on this. I’ve often asked this question:

How can I be there for everyone else when the net of my mind has been compromised?

It’s a heavy question, I know. But, I’ve taken small steps to shift the negativity to positivity. I’ve turned to exercise and reading the Bible. Both have allowed me to release pent-up frustrations and angst, and read beautiful words of love and wisdom from my Heavenly Father. It has given me hope in my life and muscle to stop the bad from infiltrating my family.

So, warriors, this is a call to action! Put on the Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18.


Because there is a great motto, adopted in 1972 from the United Negro College Fund (UNFC) that has become one of the most recognizable quotes that says…

And if we don’t invest in our minds, they can become sinful. Romans 8:5-8 says…



I will close with this final scripture quote, because I know this is also true. Philippians 4:8.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Until next time…Be well. Be safe. Be happy.


Philippians 4:8 NKJV – Meditate on These Things – Finally, – Bible Gateway

UNCF – Wikipedia

Picture of Team Courtesy of Christian Charisus/dpa/picture alliance from article: Forza Azzurri: Behind Roberto Mancini′s Italian renaissance | Sports| German football and major international sports news | DW | 11.07.2021

The Meaning of “Forza Azzurri!” in Italian – Let’s go Italy! / Come on Italy! – Daily Italian Words


It is not a game, put on the whole armor of God – GLOFIRE TV

Romans 8:5-8 KJV – For they that are after the flesh do – Bible Gateway,Long%2C%20of%20the%20advertising%20agency%20Young%20%26%20Rubicam

How many players on a soccer team? The Answer & FAQ

Celebrating St. Joseph

Today is St. Joseph’s Day. Italians celebrate feast of  St. Joseph in honor of our fathers.  But, we also celebrate Joseph, the earthly father and legal guardian of his son, Jesus.

Just who was Joseph, husband to the Virgin Mary?

There are no records of Joseph ever speaking in the Bible. He’s is never quoted as saying anything.  Now, not to say Joseph was not important, it was just that his exact words weren’t recorded. Why you ask? I’ll get to that in a minute.

I did some research. Joseph is mentioned briefly in the Gospels of Mathew, Luke, and very, very little in John.  Joseph was said to be a righteous man and obedient to God.  Just think when he found out Mary was pregnant, not by him, or any other man, he was instructed in a dream by God to  not to be afraid to take Mary as his spouse. Then, after the birth of Jesus, in another dream, instructed by God to leave for Egypt, and then years later, in another dream, to return from Egypt.

We also know in the Bible that Joseph was a carpenter. It is why we also know that he passed his carpentry trade to his son, Jesus, who was  also a carpenter.

But, let’s go back to question as to why nothing more is recorded on Joseph. Well, having read the Bible in its entirety, I learned that the Old Testament spoke of the coming Messiah and that our Lord is mentioned in many of those books.  And then, reading through all the books of the New Testament, which is about Jesus, I’m going to conclude that Joseph even though raised his son, he was one of many supporting figures to the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s ministry. How cool is that. It’s like being in one of the best movies ever! One that is seen and heard by millions and millions of people around the globe. The best part is that it’s a true movie and that now we serve a Risen Lord as a result of his mother and father’s upbringing, his disciples, and all those who bravely and courageously took his teachings across the world.

So, as I ponder upon St. Joseph’s Day, I’m encouraged that my life, my role in this world doesn’t have to be grand, but be someone who humbly continues to carry the torch of Jesus’s light to everyone I’m in contact with.

It’s all our story. What part to do you want to play?

Until next time…

Be well. Be safe. Be happy.


Father’s Day in Italy – St. Joseph’s Day in Italy, Fathers Day Celebrations in Italy (

Joseph: Father of Jesus on Earth (

Finding Jesus in Every Book of the Old Testament | Christ Revealed


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