Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: publishers

The Rock Star Publishing Perspective – Part Two

“Your Editor is a friend for life.”

It’s not easy to find a solid editor, but I was blessed with two very different and talented editors,  who are my friends. It is because of them, that my writings have been published.

In this post I want to focus on publishing. For Part 1 of the Editorial Perspective and interview with editor, Dennis DeRose, please click here.

Editing is like publishing in many ways. One of the main purposes of editing is to get the product (an author’s book) “reader ready” and the content (insides/guts) perfect and complementary to the author’s voice.

Publishing on the other hand, requires editing and finessing at a different level, that is, the outsides, or the skin level: the cover, book jacket, launch venues, media types, and getting a product, a.k.a., the book, to reach the intended audience.

So, writers listen up. Tell the most compelling story you can tell. Hire a great editor who will make your book shine, and then find an awesome publisher who can help you spread the word and create the best “birthday party” launch. Because, if you don’t have the right tools to reach your readers, no one will come to your party.

Let’s talk more about publishers. Introducing…

The Midwest Editor Turned Publisher: Brittiany Koren.



The Midwest Editor Turned Publisher: Brittiany Koren

“Your Editor is your friend.”

This is a two-part series featuring great editors I’ve worked with in the publication of my books: Love’s Perfect Surrender and Petrella, the Gillian Princess.  For part one, go to: The Rock Star Editorial Perspective – a Two-Part Series.

Next one up…

Part 2: The Midwest Editor Turned Publisher: Brittiany Koren

I met Brittiany through an author friend, Helen Osterman. I was working on my first book, which when it was all said and done, took nine years to write, over 27 versions of the novel, and two rounds of professional editing done by Brittiany Koren.

I hated rewriting, but Brittiany was patient, and she encouraged me to experiment and develop my protaganist’s voice so that it captured the character’s journey and purpose.

It was through Brittiany that I was able to see my vision come to fruition for Love’s Perfect Surrender. Brittiany helped me with my wording, story arc, and various social media outlets to get the book out. And now, she is living her dream of having her own publishing house, I couldn’t be more proud of how far she’s come in this industry.

And so, without further ado, let me tell you more about Brittiany, her editing style and how she launched Written Dreams Publishing.

  1. What type of genres do you prefer to edit?

It’s easier to explain which I prefer not to. Text books and graphic novels. I have many years of experience in editing nonfiction and fiction. However, my favorites are mystery, romance, historical, sci-fi, fantasy, and memoirs.

  1. What made you want to be an editor?

So here’s a funny story, I didn’t plan to be an editor. I wanted to write. Being a writer was my number one dream after finding Prince Charming at age 16. However, I learned while working at Tekno Books that I had a natural knack for editing, so I went with it. I did an editor apprenticeship shortly after I started as an office assistant in 1997. With the help of my editing mentor, I spent hours studying manuscripts of different genres—both fiction and nonfiction—and learned the elements of how to help an author tell the best story. Years later, I realized what I really wanted to do was make a difference by publishing unique books, and that desire led me to become a publisher.

  1. What kind of editor are you?

I’m the type of editor that will spend 170 hours on a manuscript (I just did this a few weeks ago) to make a novel the best it can be, in the author’s voice. (An author’s voice is unique to them, similar to how a person speaks, but in this case, it’s an author’s writing style.) I don’t like to rewrite the author’s style, but instead, teach the author how they can better show the reader their story. I’m a developmental content editor by trade; however I try to catch copy-editing mistakes as I review, as well. It’s one of the unique things about my style. I try to catch all the errors, not just the big, glaring ones in the plot or character make-up.

  1. What’s your editorial style?

I’m a very hands-on editor. During the editorial process, I’ll send the author first edits, second edits, and sometimes up to a third round of edits, depending on what we both agree needs to be fixed in the manuscript.

  1. What is your editor process when you start a project?

I never read the whole book before I start editing. I read it as a reader would and edit as I go. This helps me get inside the author’s head and edit the book as they would—if they were the editor. It’s so important to know your author’s voice as an editor. When a submission comes in, I’ll have someone else read several chapters to see if it’s worth pursuing. If my first reader doesn’t reject the book, I’ll skim a few pages looking over the author’s writing style. I can tell very quickly whether or not the author has it together. If yes, and the book fits within our parameters, we’ll contract.

  1. How do you edit?

I like to edit on my laptop in a comfortable setting, usually in a comfy chair with a cat or two beside me. I prefer to edit between the hours of 7 PM and midnight. These hours are quieter and allow me to get into the author’s voice the best. I use track changes in Microsoft Word. The program allows me to show the author the corrections I make. I can also add comments in the margin to ask the author questions or give examples. I have to always remember that an editor is someone who is giving someone else their opinion on their story. The writer shouldn’t take my opinion personally. I’m just here to help them be the best writer they can be.

  1. What style guide do you use?

I was given the Chicago Manual of Style by my editing mentor, and that was what we used at Tekno Books. I continue to use it as a standard for Written Dreams’ books.

  1. What’s your turnaround time?

Each book has its own time frame. Because I work in so many different genres, some books take me 20 hours to edit, some much longer. It all depends on how much love the manuscript needs.

  1. What’s your pet peeve?

If a writer pushes the Suspension of Disbelief (SOD), it’s frustrating for the reader. It’s rare for me to have more than five comments in a book that are related to suspension of disbelief. Writers need to take these comments seriously. If they don’t, it’s a way for them to lose readers unfortunately. As a writer, you need to know your characters, know what they are willing to do/not do, and know your facts of the story. If you know all that, you shouldn’t have any SOD issues. ?

  1. What are your strengths to editing?

I put 110% into any book I work on. I build a relationship with the author and try to understand the importance and reason why they wrote their book. When I know that for sure, I can help them tell the best story they can.

  1. What are your weaknesses when it comes to editing?

I want to help everyone, and I know I can’t. It’s really hard to turn down a writer that isn’t ready to publish.

  1. What have you learned is the most crucial aspect in an author/editor relationship?

You must be willing to compromise whether you are an author or the editor.

13.    What has been the best experience and why?

One of my most favorite experiences has been working with you, Chiara. You appreciated the edits. I saw your writing grow from the things I tried to show and teach you. That’s the best result for me anytime I’m editing a book. If I can help give that author a new perspective on their writing, or show them some new tricks, that’s gold.

14.    What has been the worst experience and why?

I don’t think I’m at liberty to say. ?

15.    How long did you do editing solely in your editorial service business?

I worked as a freelance editor from 1999-2016. I sold my first anthology to DAW Books in 1999, titled Single White Vampire Seeks Same, and that was one of my first endeavors as an editor.

In 2015, I was the editor for an anthology called: Women of Today – Life, Love, and Family. The Journeys and Stories of Six Strong Women (The Love’s Perfect Surrender story is included in the anthology.)

And, most recently, Katharine Nohr’s Tri-Angles Series.

16.  When not editing, what do you like to do in your personal time?

I’m a TV junkie. I love watching movies of all genres, and binge-watching TV series. There’s a method to my madness. I mostly do this to see what’s current to the market. Popular themed TV/movies usually go hand in hand in popularity with books.

Here’s a secret. I also play Pokémon Go. (Gasp! I know.) The game helps me to relax, get active, and be outside, exploring the parks and downtown area where I live. I do these things together with my family. That way, they don’t think I’m constantly working. ?

17.  You edited Love’s Perfect Surrender by Chiara Talluto, tell us about that experience. What did you learn and what would you have changed/amended?

With every book, I learn something. Love’s Perfect Surrender gave me a gift in that it came to me at a time when I needed a “relationship” book. I learned so much about myself and my relationship with my husband by working on that book. Understanding the reasons why you wrote it, Chiara, helped me, too. It will always have a very special place in my heart. It made me realize that you can’t take others for granted. You never know how long they’ll be in your life.

The only thing I would’ve done differently is meet with you in person during the editorial process. I think, when possible, it’s nice to be able to chat about some of the manuscript issues in person, verses through email or on the phone. Editing is such a personal experience. Each book can help me as an editor grow in a different way. Knowing the author, having a relationship with that author helps an editor to really understand who they are, their voice, and why they are trying to share their book with the world.

18.  What made you transition from editing to publishing books?

I spent 13 years working for the largest book packager in the world, Marty Greenberg of Tekno Books. At the time, we worked with best-selling NYT authors, agents, and every major publisher. It was a dream job to have in the industry. I personally worked on over 2,000 books while there and learned everything from acquisitions, contracts, scheduling, content editing, proofing, cover design, writing a great back cover copy, and so much more. It was there that I learned how to be a developmental content editor.

I met Virginia McCullough while still working at Tekno Books, and she and I worked on several projects together. We had a good working relationship. After I left Tekno, I stayed in touch with Virginia. She and three other authors, C.C. Harrison, Terry Odell, and Dorothy McFalls provided the push I needed. They believed in me wholeheartedly at a time when I was terrified to break out on my own. They, along with mystery writer, Ed Gorman, who gave me his blessing, told me I’d do well to be in business. And so, in 2011, I started my own company, Written Dreams, first working with indie authors editing their books.

I won’t lie. It was very tough. For the first three years, my family and I ate so many pancakes because it was all I could afford. Being a freelance editor doesn’t come with benefits, or a handbook on how to run a business. In 2015, another life event happened for me. We lost 11 people in my family, including my father. It was a tragic year. Later that year, I met Katharine M. Nohr, and she was a true blessing in my life when I needed it. It was because of her series, the Tri-Angles Series, that I made the leap to become a print publisher.

In 2016, I made the choice not to take on any more freelance editing jobs and focus on becoming a publisher. Traditional publishers had turned down Katharine M. Nohr’s series because it was a “niche” series. I took one look at it, and although I understood where those publishers were coming from, I believed that this author and her series would be a success. My gut feeling has paid off.

I’ve realized the importance of authors needing a publisher (distribution and marketing purposes) and created our imprint, Written Dreams Publishing so we could publish unique titles. I still do the content and developmental edits on every book that Written Dreams publishes.

19.  What has your experience been now that you have a publishing house?

There is so much to learn. Technology is constantly changing. It’s not just books anymore. Its digital books, audio books, different types of ebooks, blogs, posting on social media. Marketing a book is not a sole effort anymore. The author, publisher, wholesalers, book stores, and the publisher’s marketing team needs to be involved for book sales to be successful. Every day I learn something new. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be doing what I love. It is a constant challenge for me.

To date, we’ve published 22 titles with 20 books scheduled to be published in 2018. Last year marked 20 years in the publishing industry for me, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m living my dream every day.

20.  How does an author contact you for editing/publishing?

Written Dreams Publishing is a small press publisher located in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We publish fiction and nonfiction titles. We also have a virtual book store through our website too.

Authors can contact me through the Written Dreams website’s Contact Us page.

Currently, we are taking submissions for Autumn/Winter 2019. If an author would like an opinion on whether or not their book is ready for submission, they can email me and request a review of their work. It doesn’t cost them anything. I will review up to 5 pages and give them an opinion on whether or not I think their book is publishable. If it isn’t, I’ll give them a few tips on what they need to do to make it better.

The Spoof on Querying Agents

querying agents

Google, “How to query agents,” “Query agents,” “How to write queries,” and you’ll find over eight million results available. Not to mention the number of books on query writing you can find at your local library.

Querying agents is a tough process. I’m totally for it. Having been rejected years ago, over one hundred times by agents/publishers with my first novel, Love’s Perfect Surrender, and then independently publishing it myself; I value and believe in separating the slush pile from the “diamonds in the rough”.

Writing a book is hard enough. Everyone says they want to write a book, but it takes discipline to weave a storyline, a good storyline. But then, once that is complete, you have to sell your concept to agents/publishers, whom have tastes and desires of their own, and who then must sell your storyline to those who will put it in print.

So you see, I’ve come to the realization that querying agents is like… “speed-dating. The prospects are endless, but the best match can only occur if there is a connection, an attraction to the storyline, and the desire from both parties to commence a long-lasting relationship.”

But, unlike dating, hooking and breaking through to the right agent can be complicated.  It starts with knowing your genre. It used to be that there were only a few genres under Fiction, some include:

  • Westerns
  • Romance
  • Crime
  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Fantasy
  • Religious
  • Self-Help
  • Erotica
  • Cookbooks
  • Sports

Today, there are sub-genres under practically every genre, such as:

  • Dystopian
  • Apocalyptic
  • Speculative
  • LGBT
  • Inspirational
  • Gothic
  • Paranormal
  • Historical

And what about the categories of writing:

  • Young Adult
  • New Adult
  • Middle-Grade
  • Adult
  • Childrens

And then, there are:

  • Chapter books
  • Picture books
  • Comic books

The lists go on…So, know the genre you’re writing. Click here for a listing of genres.

And then, pay attention to the specific writing requirements from the agents/publishers that you are querying. They can ask for any of the following, and more…

  • First five pages of a manuscript,
  • First ten pages of a manuscript,
  • First three chapters of a manuscript,
  • Synopsis,
  • Full Synopsis (with spoiler) and the first fifty pages,
  • Last three chapters (yes, I’ve seen this),
  • An outline listing all the chapters, including,
  • Chapter descriptions,
  • Your Bio,
  • Audience appeal,
  • Comparable books,
  • Book sales from previous books,
  • And finally, how you plan on marketing your book.

Though, none of this should surprise anyone. It’s what’s needed for the agents to make the right decision on whether to dump your query in a slush pile, or take a chance on your story. It’s cut throat, yes, but there are more books out there than there are people reading them. The market is saturated enough, and there needs to be filters. And, in an age where there are sites that you can post your writings, blogging, and companies that offer self-publishing, we are constantly inundated with words. Lots of words…

So, how does one land an agent?

  • Careful preparation on your end; the writer,
  • Speed-dating – querying the right agents/publishers based on your writings,
  • A good dose of divine intervention.

Here are some other thoughts on the basic ingredients of getting noticed.

  1. Write the story. Not to fit a category or certain topic, but actually write it. From start to finish.
  2. Perfect the story. Hire an editor to have them review, cut it to shreds, and then revise and revise the story.
  3. Create the following:
    • Hook/Logline,
    • Short synopsis,
    • Long synopsis,
    • Book jacket content,
    • Chapter outline,
    • Character Tracking Grid (I do this with all my stories. It’s a listing of character names, their physical looks, and emotional temperaments.),
    • Determine themes within your story, or it may be one theme that resonates throughout.

These are for you to develop and polish. Later, you will have it ready to hand off when the agent/publisher requests it. Take your time, and…

  1. Study query writing, and write the best query you can.
  2. Research agents/publishers carefully. Review their submission guidelines. Send only to those that are compatible with your writing. Gosh, be selective. Don’t waste your time on those that will reject you right off the bat because you didn’t follow the guidelines.
  3. Rejection letters will come…Don’t let that deter you…Never give up.

As for me, I haven’t found my match/Romeo agent yet, but I continue querying. Below, is a sample of my query letter for my second novel, Make it Right; Make it Matter.

Take a read. Leave a comment. I would love your feedback.


Dear Mr./Ms. Agent/Publisher (Name of the agent),

I found your agency name through (This is important. Let the agent know where you found his/her agent information). According to your agency, I see you’re actively seeking Women’s fiction. Let me introduce you to my 83,000 word novel, Make it Right; Make it Matter. An alcohol-addicted mother of two who is spiraling in guilt and resentment; she must surrender, forgiving her past so not to jeopardize her future.


Thirty-six-year-old Amanda Reynolds thought she was happily married. She has a sweet, loving, successful husband, Ryan, two beautiful daughters, Emily and Rose, and a perfect, manicured home in a quaint suburb of Chicago. However, deep inside, Amanda is harboring a secret, a past no one knows about, with the help of alcohol and crave-producing foods. On one Memorial Day, as she watched a float carrying local Marines from their tour of duty in Iraq, buried memories come flooding back, memories of being abandoned by her mother, Louise, and witnessing the death of her older brother, Joshua. This causes Amanda to go on an alcoholic binge after being sober for four years. When she awakens later in a hospital and learns she drank herself into a stupor in front of her children, Amanda realizes she has to get clean once and for all, leaving Chicago in an attempt to slay the demons that have plagued her for so many years.


Make it Right; Make it Matter will appeal to fans of Billy Coffey’s, “Snow Day”, David Baldacci’s, “Christmas Story”, Elizabeth Gilbert’s, “Eat, Pray, Love”, and the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”.


My first novel, Love’s Perfect Surrender, a Christian romance was published in May of 2014. The novel and ebook are available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Ebook only via Smashwords and Kobo.  My book appears on the shelves of six local libraries. I recently earned a 5 Star rating from Click here for the latest review of the novel.


I will be independently publishing a middle-grade, short-story, fantasy fairytale, Petrella, the Gillian Princess, this summer. Click here and scroll down for a review of the book. I am a member of the Chicago Writers Association and a critique group called the Schaumburg Scribes .

Thank you for considering Make it Right; Make it Matter. I have included…(list the items requested per agent specification, i.e., in the body of the email, or in a separate document). I look forward to hearing from you should you decide Make it Right; Make it Matter is a story that is right for (add the name of the agency).


Chiara Talluto

Author of “Love’s Perfect Surrender

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