Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: speaktruth

So, What’s Your Word of 2022?

Okay, so I’m late to the party, I know, but it’s still January. Drum roll, please… Here is my post on “My Word of the Year”.

My word of the year is Revive. defines Revive as:

Verb (used with object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.

  • To activate, set in motion, or take up again; renew: to revive old feuds.
  • To restore to life or consciousness: We revived him with artificial respiration.
  • To put on or show (an old play or motion picture) again.
  • To make operative or valid again.


Verb (used without object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.

  • To return to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, or a flourishing condition.
  • To recover from financial depression.

I’ve been doing “word of the year” for a bit now and find that it grounds me, focuses me, and reminds me throughout the year (the meaning and why I chose that word) when I forget “my word of the year”. I know some people do “word of the month” or “word of the week”, etc. Two years ago, in 2020, my word was RESTART, in 2021, my word was RESET. I happen to write a blog on RESET too.  And now this year, 2022, my word is going to be REVIVE.

I know what you’re thinking? What gives with all these “R” words? I can’t honestly tell you, except maybe I like the alphabetical letter “R”.


Two reasons:

  • The Bible scripture of Ezekiel 37:1-14 is “Valley of Dry Bones”. It conjures such a vivid image in my mind that I happen to find a picture similar online, see below. To me, this scripture is an awakening, a reviving of those things that are important. I’ve been feeling a little dry, and a little out of sorts. I need a NEW breath in my bones. I need an awakening of ideas and thoughts that have been “asleep”. And so, I need this word, REVIVE, more than anything to jump-start me to action. Click here for a great article that explains the scripture.

For those that don’t know, I read the Bible from cover to cover, Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 22:21. I started it as a Bible in January 2019. It took me two years and two weeks to finish reading in February 2021. I documented my reading experience and that story was covered in a local Christian magazine, called Christ Is Our Hope. Click here to read it.

  •  A great song by one of my favorite Christian bands, Casting Crowns, off of their album, Only Jesus, titled: “Awaken Me”. When I first heard the song, it referenced Ezekiel 37: 1-10. It made sense that it was about breathing into the bones that were dead. However, as I listened to the song over and over again, and read “Chapter 4: A Beautiful Thing”, the book version of the CD, Only Jesus. Here, I realized that this song has themes from many Bible scriptures. Such as:
    1. Luke 15: 11-32. The story of the Prodigal son who realized his errors and returned home to his father after squandering all his money.
    2. Ephesians 5:13-14. Comparing God’s truth to a bright light.
    3. Isaiah 6: 5-7. Only God can clean your unclean lips and change you.

Here is the Youtube video of “Awaken Me”. Then, watch the video from Mark Hall that explains the meaning behind the song.

The book is available via Amazon.

“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Ephesians 5:13-14.

For the last two years, my heart has been stirred to look at my Bible more for guidance and direction in my life for help with my relationships with my husband and daughters. I’m finding myself growing spiritually and reviving my soul in God’s Word.

In August 2021, a thought crossed my mind and I had to write it down. Here it is:

“I can’t unknow what I learned to know about the Truth of Jesus Christ.”

This statement is very true. I am NOT ASHAMED of who I’m becoming—a saved, born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I can’t go back to who I was before. Little by little, the TRUTH is being manifested in my everyday life. I have been REVIVED.

Do you have a “special” word? Drop me a line and let me know.




When Life Throws You Curves…Christ is Our Hope Magazine Article


Resetting the Restart


Love is Love versus Love is Loving in Truth


Love is love, but love is better when you love in truth.

I’ve made some observations lately on Love is Love. It’s made me think about things in a new perspective and I’d like to share those insights because it’s all I’ve seen on social media, T-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, temporary Facebook profiles, etc.

Love is…













 defines Love as:


  • A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
  • A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
  • Sexual passion or desire.

In my humble opinion, love is baggage.






You know why? Because humans love in different ways…and sometimes to get our way. Just look at the dictionary’s description: passionate affection, personal attachment, sexual passion, etc.  These are biased reactions.

  • “If you loved me, than you would (fill in the blank)…”
  • “Please, please…do it for me.” You show them your puppy eyes. “I love you…”
  • “Do you know how much I love you?”
  • “Do you know the sacrifices I’ve had to make because of you?”

And the list can go on, can’t it?

  • We love the addicts because we think we can change them,
  • We love abusers because we’re afraid and believe what they’re doing is really okay,
  • We love to please people because we want to fit in even if don’t agree,
  • We love things more than people,
  • We love our phones more than people,
  • We love our pets more than our family members,
  • We love food,
  • We love the wrong things because we were never taught about real love,
  • Some don’t even know love because of their culture/religion,
  • Some have never experienced love and what it feels like, and live their life in an apathetic state.

The word “Love” is overused. Love has been overrated. The use of love has lost its luster. Love should be… Loving one another in truth because love is loving in truth.







Loving in “truth” to:

  • Love our best friend to tell her/him that what they are doing is wrong,
  • Love our spouse to tell him/her that they are hurting themselves, you, or others,
  • Love ourselves and accepting who we are because that is how God made you,
  • Love each other regardless of the color of one’s skin, gender, or political affiliation.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13  puts it all in perspective for me. It is one of the most famous scriptures in the Bible for wedding ceremonies, but in reality, this is our greatest gift to one another.

I’ve attempted to break it down using my mortal mind, that is, how I’m interpreting this scripture passage. (I invite you to meditate on this on your own.)

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

(You can be the most successful person, but if it’s all fake and you don’t mean what you say, you’re really dead inside. )

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

(You can be the best scientist, doctor, police officer and know how to solve problems and crimes, and come up with remedies for diseases, but go about your life without passion, care, or regard for humanity, then you’re just going through the motions.)

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

(These are the church-goers, religious types, and elites who only show up for presence and posterity,  and not worship. Then when Monday comes around, they’re back to sinning.)

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

(A true Jesus follower will be persecuted and mocked all their life because they refuse to confirm to worldly things. They are not jealous and pompous, and will rejoice in another’s blessings, and put others first.)

does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,  thinks no evil;

(A believer of the Lord will be humble. Will not boast upon themselves, and is not easily angered. He/she will always believe in the goodness of others. )

does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

(A believer cannot rejoice in the evils of the world, even if they’ve become isolated or ostracized from society, they are willing to make that sacrifice, and not deter from living righteously in the eyes of the Lord. They are also hopeful that bad circumstances can change for the better, giving all the glory to God.)

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

(All these things of this world will pass. Love can change a heart. Love endures forever.)

For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

(We can plan all things on our own, but God’s plans are better and sometimes He will put us in situations to bear our cross and lean on Him for help.)

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

(Reading the Bible is a growing process. What you learned when you were a child can change when you become an adult. At some point, we have to grow up and take responsibility for our learning.  And one of the main learnings that has remained constant in understanding God, is that He loves us. We need to believe that with all our heart. We learn about ourselves by loving others.)

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

(It’s a simple act of faith and hope to learn to love one another. We must love in the truth of loving others.)

When you love in the most purest and truest form you know how and you love in truth, love always wins.

What do you think?



An Affair with Words


No, I haven’t cheated on my husband. Well, maybe a short rendezvous.

What? You say.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve had an affair—not with “whom,” but with “what”.

NOTE: Read at your own discretion.

Words. Yes, you’ve read correctly. I’ll say it again… Words. An affair with letters that consumed me, excited me, and then tore me to pieces. This all comes about because a few weeks ago, I finally finished editing and re-editing my second novel, Make it Right; Make it Matter. Eliminating almost 1, 700 words in the 83,000 word manuscript. Like a roller coaster, I returned, again and again. Frightened and nervous in the beginning; but elated and satisfied of the results at the end.

So, why do I put myself through this? The euphoria of creating something out of nothing is what drives me to continually perfect my craft.

It’s like this. A photographer takes a picture. This particular photograph has the potential of invoking thousands of images in one’s mind. On the other hand, a writer weaves a compelling story, taking that individual on an imaginative journey conjuring all sorts of emotions.

In an age of social media, however, where most everything is “words”. Sometimes, too many words numb our sensation to really feel. So don’t cheat.

Whether you Tango or do the Cha-Cha dance, speak truth in words, and carefully review what you wish to express because words are a “universal” visual means of communication.

Until next time…

Be well. Be safe. Be happy.

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