Take a listen to my latest “Catch the Story” podcast from Relatable Media Arts & Inspiration. Today’s session is “There Goes My Ride”. Click here.

Written transcript of the story, There Goes My Ride.

This is a reminiscent tale about giving up my 12-year-old red SUV. Now I know what you’re thinking, how is this story about giving up a car worthy of “Catch the Story”? Let me explain. Have you ever loved something so much, and I use the word, “love” loosely? It seems we love things and like people. Ah…I digress. We can talk about that another time—love versus like.

Anyhow, where was I? Oh yes, loving things, such as a house, a boat, your cell phone, I know a lot of people who are in love with their phones these days. Again, another topic for another day. But my red SUV has been with me for the last twelve important years of my family’s life.

It’s held my two precious daughters who are now teenagers. The many times we’ve ridden together traveling to and from doctor appointments, visiting grandparents, going to the zoo, the park, shuffling them and their friends to sports practices and games, and theater events, etcetera.

This car has taken me to Wisconsin, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky. It’s given me solace and peace as I flipped through the channels of my radio and listened to my favorite songs, or put on that rocking CD and cranked up the volume. And yes, I do have a CD player in this car. Gosh, I’ll miss that!

And oh, the conversations this cabin has held. If these windows could share what they’ve heard, and reflect it back (no pun intended), well, hmm… From tears to laughter, to frustrations and prayers. The best conversations are with your steering wheel. There are indentations of handprints all over the steering wheel from holding onto it so tight to prove it, anyway.

So to say that this vehicle has not only taken me from point A to B on many occasions but, it’s kept me safe. Years ago I named her Wonder Red. There used to be a cartoon on PBS called Super Why about four fairytale friends who go on magical adventures and become reading-powered super heroes. My daughters loved that show, especially this one character named Wonder Red.

Because my SUV was red, it was fitting. And, when my girls knew we were going out, they easily got into our Wonder Red, anticipating all the adventures ahead. It also has transported my parents and my in-laws, who are now elderly, to many family events. So to say that my SUV, Wonder Red, holds a special sentimental place in my heart, I can only say that it truly does.

But now it’s time to give her away after almost 90,000 miles of road life. For us, it’s time to downsize from an SUV to a car. Through all the oil changes, tire rotations, transmission fixes, and light bulb changes you, Wonder Red, have been my ride. I’ve realized that this hunk of metal has kept me safe all these 12 years. She’s older, but she still has some life left in her. It’s the memories of the journey that this old girl of mine, my wonder red, has provided. I was giving these wheels to do just that and I am grateful for what she has done. Whatever driveway and garage she’ll rest her Michelins, she’ll be good.

The moral of this little short story is to cherish the memories of your “things”: cars, houses, places of employment, vacations, etc. Life moves at a rapid pace. Things come and go. In the end, it’s who you have intersected your life with at the crossroads of time. And, those memories will be there until the good Lord takes them away.

I’m reminded through the scriptures that things will fade.

  1. Don’t store your treasures on earth where moths can destroy them, instead store them up in Heaven. (Mathew 6:19-21)
  2. Grass may wither, but God’s Word stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
  3. The world will pass away, but the will of God lives forever. (1 John 2:17)
  4. The story of the rich man wanting to receive eternal life, but was unwilling to give up his possessions to follow Jesus. (Mathew 19:16-30)
  5. What does it take to follow Jesus? (Luke 9:57-62)
  6. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Mathew 11:30)
  7. Avoid making idols out of your possessions. (Exodus 20:23)

As we get older, we get more wrinkles but God’s word is transcendent over thousands of thousands of years. So, this transaction that me and my family are going to do puts it all into perspective. Our time on earth is very short we don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring, but we do know that as we journey through the adventures of life, we have God with us. God also reminds us to be where we should be, and that things that take us to where we’re going are ONLY here as a convenience. when you move, when you change employment, when you buy a new car or sell your old one, whatever the case may be don’t MAKE IT your idol, don’t let that be your gods but know that there is a greater God. So, goodbye Wonder Red. See ya on the road. If not, hope your metal is used for the good.

Thank you!