Dreams must mean something if they happen often, right? The same one, over and over again. Or maybe I’m hallucinating on too much TV and reading too many things, especially with the impending Presidential Election. But if one dreams, do they mean something sometimes, all the time, or does it really matter?

In any case, take a listen to a dream I had. It’s called The Vision.


If you prefer to read the original transcript for the story, scroll down…


I was standing on the curb when a massive-looking vehicle pulled up. It was a cross between a long stretch limo and an SUV. It was metallic-red with gigantic black-rim tires as high as my kneecaps. In idle position, the engine roared like a rushing waterfall.

The passenger side window rolled down and a voice bellowed, “Get in.”

I just gaped at this beautiful piece of metal. The door opened toward the sky and I slid in. The smell of leather, lavender, and vanilla filled my nostrils. As the door closed in, I turned to look at the voice that had spoken to me. It was dark in the compartment and I couldn’t decipher the being that was sitting next to me. It was a mass of some sort and it seemed to float in the air.

The voice boomed like a loudspeaker, “Welcome. I am the World. Let’s go.”

I shook my head. “Where are we going?”

“For a drive.” And with that, the automobile thrust ahead, my neck jerking to the motion of the vehicle. I swiveled my head back to see the rear of the car, and all I could make out was a darkness, a space, like the universe with stars and planets.

The car was instantly on a two-lane highway. There were other cars in the lanes, lots of cars driving fast one way. Our car zigzagged in between the vehicles.

Sweat trickled down my arm. “Hey, slow down, please. Why are we in a hurry?”

The voice bellowed. “Fast life, fast car. Isn’t that what we do in this realm?”

I blinked. “Realm? What realm are we talking about?”


My skin went cold. I looked about me for a buckle to lock me in but there wasn’t one. We were passing cars at lightening speed that all I could see were flashes of tiny headlights. “Stop,” I shouted.


My hands felt clammy. What was going on? I felt like I was on a fast track to an abyss of sorts.


“Well, what?” I blurted. Yes, I was from this world, but the Bible has always taught me that I wasn’t of this world. I was to be separate.

“You want this world?”

We zigzagged to the left and then the right, horns blaring, sending a piercing noise in my ears.

“No, no, no… Now quit this. I want to get out!” My world was Heaven and to live with Jesus in eternity. Wasn’t that right? Live righteously here on earth, do my best, be a beacon of light for others, and on, and on….directing people to Jesus. I was doing that, wasn’t I?

“Hmm… mmm…”

I looked through the windshield, a giant mountain loomed ahead.

“Oh my gosh, there’s a mountain ahead! Don’t you see it?”

A screen appeared on the dash. A timer or stop clock glowed. “Forty seconds till impact.”

My head whipped in the direction of the World who was driving. “We’re going to crash. Stop the car now!”

“What? Are you scared to die? It’s bound to happen, you know.”

I began to shake. “Stop!!”

“… Thirty seconds till impact.”

A seatbelt appeared over my shoulder and I grabbed it, locking myself in. I held onto the strap tight, my knuckles were turning blue.

“… Twenty seconds till impact.”

I squeezed the belt. “Are you crazy! We’re gonna die!”

The vehicle weaved between two semi-trucks sending one off the curb and flipping over.

“You’re gonna die. Not me. Life will go on. You chose this path.”

“Stop,” I screamed.

“… Ten seconds till impact.”

I looked over my shoulder again, space was still there with its glowing stars. I spun back.

“Oh, Lord, help me, please?”

“God isn’t listening.”

“… Five seconds till impact.”

I yanked the seatbelt. “Yes, He does!”

“What are you going to do?”

“… Four… three… two… one…


When the World is going against you, do you sit back and just hold on tight, or do you grab the wheel and do something about it? Your decision rests on this Nation’s success.


Romans 1:16-32

Mark 16: 14-18

Mathew 28: 16-20

Luke 10:25-37

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-car-instrument-cluster-panel-804129/