Author, Wife, Busy Mom, A Woman after God's Heart.

Tag: wordoftheyear

Transparency – Word of the 2025 Year

Okay, so I know it’s February and the 2025 year has already started, but it’s never too late to begin something. As the Bible says, mercy is new every morning. Ah, but I digress…

Most years, I’ve picked a word of the year to keep me grounded, rooted, and honest about what I am moving toward and becoming. My faith has grown in the Lord Jesus in leaps and bounds through reading of the Word.

I want to live my life and mirror my actions as such. No drama, no fake, no fillers, no crap. Just me. My perspective and ideology are planted in the ONE who gives me the seeds to flourish. Truth is not always easy to digest, but the Truth is not offended, rather it welcomes the challenges.

And so, I’ve committed to live out the Truth that God has created and be the testimony of Him through the workings and relationships that He puts in my path.

My new word for 2025 is TRANSPARENCY

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says…

Transparency – Noun = the quality or state of being transparent

Transparent – Adj =

  • free from pretense or deceit: frank
  • easily detected or seen through/ obvious
  • readily understood
  • characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices

What’s your word of the 2025 year? Drop me a line and let me know.


Prayers and Praises Request Box – New Beginnings in 2024


My new word for the 2024 year is Release. I don’t believe in resolutions but I find that a word of the year helps me to stay focused. I often remind myself to intentionally do THAT WORD which has come to my mind in the new year.

Release this year will be enlightening others about any wisdom that I’ve been learning and storing up. I may not know everything about everything, but I’ve been around a bit to come away with some knowledge and understanding. Plus, every opportunity is an opportunity to share, whether it’s my Bible study, faith testimonies, life hacks, teachable moments with my kids, etc. On the flipside, it’s releasing toxic relationships, releasing past failures. Releasing situations that I think I can do in my own strength when in reality, I can’t; instead, sending it up to God to fight my battles and making a way. TRUSTING HIM MORE.

Along with that, I’ll be habitually writing down my Prayers and Praises, and encouraging my husband and kids to do the same. As I told them, let’s try it, we have nothing to lose.

I pray continually, it’s the best conversation in my head, but writing prayers down and dropping them in a box THAT NO ONE WILL READ is freeing and encouraging. I won’t have to carry the burdens but rather let THEM go. And with praises, being in CONSTANT thankfulness for those nuggets of HALLELUJAH that the Lord sprinkles in my life.

As my teenage daughter has said for the coming year, “Continue, but DIFFERENTLY.”

That’s my approach this 2024. What’s yours?

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