I’m beginning to realize as I get older, I look at circumstances and situations through two kinds of lenses: the forest or the trees. One way is getting bogged down and overwhelmed by the final result. There is so much overgrowth and thickness surrounding you that the end goal is never achieved because individual steps were missed. The other way is seeing what’s ONLY in front of you, and nothing else. The burdening limbs seem to be extending their destructing claws at you. The issues are like dominos. When one problem is solved another is right behind it. In both cases, you panic. Heaviness sets in. Your vision is obscured and you get lost.

But God…

The author and finisher, the beginning and the end, sees the entire landscape of your life and where you are in the midst of the forest and its trees. Like a compass, He beckons you to follow Him. Listen, the forest is calling. Listen, the trees are parting. God wants to guide you on a path to follow. A path to freedom. A path of righteousness. You can’t do life alone. Trust Yahweh!

Isaiah 58:11

John 10:27

Psalm 23:3

Psalm 25:9

Psalm 32:8

Psalm 119:105, 133

Proverbs 3:5-6

Jeremiah 29:11