In life, you have a beginning, an end, and an in-between. We spend most of our natural existence in the “in-between”. What you do with that time is up to you. God gives you free will and choices that you can make any time you want.

Like a book, there is a beginning. It has to captivate the reader so that they continue reading the story. The beginning is the hook, and it should be strong. The end is the culmination of the plot, coming full circle and it too, should leave readers wanting more, satisfied and fulfilled, or retrospective. As a writer, I love all those kinds of endings and I work really hard in trying to achieve them in my stories. Most of the work, however, is in the “middle”. That’s where the booklover stays the longest. Sustaining the tale, keeping the interest, working through tragedies and triumphs, and transporting the reader on an adventure with the characters of the story.

Getting back to real life, we’ve reached the end of 2022. The end of the year. Like its beginning, it either ends strong or flat. Every one of us has a story and though we may have similarities and coincidences, our individual journeys are just that, individual. The beginning and end are only a part of an entire year. Your in-between or middle will either propel you or cripple you in the coming new year.

What’s your in-between going to look like in 2023? Start making plans. It’s hours away.

Until next time…

Be well. Be safe. Be happy.



Photo by Jill Wellington: