Labor Day. The “workingmen’s holiday”. Or, “time off from work”. In 1894 it was signed into law to pay tribute to the contributions and achievements of the American workers. It’s traditionally celebrated and observed on the first Monday of September. But, this day off didn’t come easy. In the late 1800s during the height of the Industrial Revolution, American workers worked very long hours and often faced unsafe working conditions and sanitary conditions. People became more vocal and started speaking out. There were riots and revolts which led to this day. Research for yourself. It’s good American history.

Celebrate this day, it came out because people organized and banded together for the good of each other and the privilege to have employment and get wages for their work.

In the Bible, God labored and labored for six days to create heaven and earth, all living creatures, and man. On the seventh day, he rested. (Genesis 1-31)

We are entering a new season, Fall. With the crispier air, changing colors of the leaves, and the earth getting ready to go dormant. It’s a beautiful time. However, I also believe the impending American elections will challenge this season. There’s been a shift. It’s in the air, and you can feel it if ONLY you pay attention and you are aware.

We need to turn back and turn from our wicked ways and call on God to heal. (2 Chronicles 7:14). We need to unite as a country for the good of the country and future generations, not for our selfish needs.

The harvest is plentiful indeed, but the laborers are few. (Mathew 9:37) It’s time to get busy, lots of work to be done. We must do the works of Him (Jesus) because night is coming and we will not be able to work. (John 9:4)

Until then, rest today and be ready!