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Last week I was in “limbo“. This week I’m in the “hole”.  It’s amazing how things have been changing so rapidly amidst this plague called Coronavirus or Covid – 19. What started in Wuhan, China, back in January has gone around the world affecting and impacting thousands and thousands of people.

So many terms and expressions have been associated with this incredible, infectious, and sometimes fatal virus. I’ve recently read that this virus is said to spread at such an alarming rate, it is an “exponential expansion” virus. If one person is carrying the virus, he/she can infect three people, and then those three people infect nine people and it keeps growing and growing.  Just read up on “patient 31” from South Korea, and how she spread the virus to so many people.

One doesn’t need to hear/read/see anymore depressing information every day. Just a few days ago, my kids were in school, now they are home for the next two weeks. All European travel has been banned and no one can come into the US. Today, Canada closed its borders. Restaurants and bars have closed up too. Only pick up or delivery. Casinos closed. Museums, libraries, Disney parks and all sports events are suspended. People even fighting over toilet paper and hand sanitizers.

What’s happened?

Media, CDC, and WHO all have been telling us to quarantine, self-isolate, social distancing, be home-based. This is no joke. Life has truly turned on a dime. In some states like California, especially, San Francisco, six counties have been in shelter-in-place order.

What can one do?


Help out the elderly?

It seems so surreal. One week ago, I posted this on Twitter…


I’ve read enough books and watched enough movies to think that this is something created to stop what??? I don’t know.

Now, we have to be alone so that we “flatten the curve“. But, we are social creatures and what will happen when we become too isolated. It’s like a long, long winter when the cold doesn’t break. We’ve been blanketed with this monstrous virus. Can we get out of it? Can we rebound?

I have to believe that we can. I have to trust my creator, Jesus, that we can overcome. We are a wicked and sinful species. We need to repent!

My hope is Psalm 91 and 2 Timothy 1:7. Every day, I am reading and rereading these Bible scriptures.

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I have nothing left but my faith. I have to be strong for my daughters and my husband.

Be not  in a reactive mode, but a responsive mode.

Until next time…

Be well. Be Safe. Be happy.



How Patient 31 Spread the Coronavirus in South Korea

I’m in Limbo – Stream of Conscience Brain Sputter